

When is the dividend record date?

The record date for the term-end dividend is September 30 every year, and the record date for the interim dividend is March 31 every year.

I have a dividend warrant which has run beyond the payment period. Can I receive the dividend in exchange for the dividend warrant?

The dividend will be paid. Please take steps pursuant to the instructions in Item 2: “Payment after the bank payment period” on the reverse side of the dividend warrant.

Can I change the manner I receive the dividend?

Please contact with the securities company as a stock depositor of the shares of stock you hold. 
If you hold the shares in a special account, please contact us at 0120-232-711 (“free dial” or tollfree phone number) or see: 
Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation, “Regarding an address change report or other reports”.

How can I dispose of my shares of stock less than one share unit (namely, 100 shares)?

You may request that we purchase the shares of stock less than one share unit you hold. 
If it is the case, please contact the securities company as a stock depositor of the shares of stock you hold that you request that we purchase the shares of stock you hold. 
If you hold the shares in a special account, please contact us at 0120-232-711 (“free dial” or tollfree phone number) or see:
Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation, “Regarding the purchase of shares of stock less than one share unit”.

What is a special account?

A special account is an account that an issuing company opened at trust banks, etc., in the name of the shareholders in relation to shares of stock, etc., that were not deposited at Japan Securities Depository Center, Inc. (Japanese abbreviation: “Hohuri”) when the electronic stock certificate system was implemented on January 5, 2009. Shares of stock of the Company are managed at the special accounts established at Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation. There are certain restrictions in the transactions for the shares kept in such special account because a special account is an account designed to protect shareholders’ rights.

Major restrictions on the transactions using a special account:

  • You cannot sell or conduct certain transactions for shares kept in a special account (while you can request that an issuing company purchase shares of stock less than one share unit kept in a special account); and
  • If you hold a share, etc., of an issuing company which is kept in a special account, you cannot opt for “allocation in proportion to the number of shares held” regarding the method to receive dividends at your account opened at the relevant securities company. 

Can I transfer shares kept in a special account to my account opened at a securities company?

Please contact us at 0120-232-711 (“free dial” or tollfree phone number) or see: 
Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation, “Regarding the transfer of shares from an account to another”. 

Can I transfer shares of stock less than one share unit from a special account to an ordinary account?

You can transfer shares of stock kept in a special account (if they are duly recorded in the special account) to an ordinary account regardless of the number of shares.

Where can I contact to ask about the procedures to change my registered address or name or the account to receive dividends?

Please contact to the relevant securities company that keeps shares of stock on your behalf. 
If you hold the shares in a special account, please contact us at 0120-232-711 (“free dial” or tollfree phone number) or see:
Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation, “Regarding an address change report or other reports”.

Where can I contact to ask about information related to share inheritance?

Please contact to the relevant securities company that handles share transactions on your behalf.

If you hold the shares in a special account, please contact us at 0120-232-711 (“free dial” or tollfree phone number).