Given its fiduciary responsibility and accountability to shareholders, the Board of Directors of the Company believes that one of its responsibilities is to govern the Group Companies in the manner to maximize the legitimate profit of our shareholders by: promoting the sustainable corporate growth and increase of corporate value in a med- to long-term prospective; enhancing earnings power, capital efficiency and other capabilities; and improving the total value of the Group Companies.


We fully recognize that it is indispensable to take a due care of not only our shareholders but also our customers, business partners, local communities, employees and other stakeholders to improve the total value of the Group Companies in a med- to long-term prospective, and we will therefore endeavor to appropriately cooperate with these stakeholders. We also recognize that one of our vital operational assignments is to fulfill our corporate social responsibilities (“CSR”) required in environmental, social and corporate governance points of view.

In the Group's core businesses of the education domain and the healthcare and nursing domain, our mission is to solve various problems by sharing the objectives and values with our customers as well as providing high quality products and services at a fair price. Through these efforts, we will fulfill our social responsibilities.


In addition, in order to contribute to the Company's sustainable growth and the med- to long-term enhancement of corporate value, the Company engages in constructive dialogue with its shareholders, starting with the General Meeting of Shareholders. As a foundation for this, we also ensure appropriate information disclosure and transparency.


In achieving this, the Company aims for transparent and efficient corporate management in accordance with the spirit of corporate ethics and legal compliance under the governance structure set forth in the “Gakken Holdings Corporate Governance Guidelines (hereinafter referred to as the “Guidelines”)”.

The Company has established the “Guidelines” for the purpose of presenting its corporate governance framework, basic philosophy on corporate governance, and future direction of corporate governance in the Group, and has published them on its website.

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