Gakken Group will practice ethical and honest activities and work to prevent corrupt practices based on the mission of “We hope everyone to have fulfilling lives. To this end, we provide inspiration, satisfaction, peace of mind for today, and dreams and hopes for tomorrow.”

1.Compliance with Anti-corruption Laws and Regulations

Gakken Group shall comply with anti-corruption laws and regulations applicable in each country and region where we operate, in accordance with the Code of Conduct and Code of Ethics, in order to prevent corrupt practices.

2.Prohibition of Bribery, etc.

We will not offer, give, or promise to give bribes, directly or indirectly, to public officials (including foreign public officials) or persons equivalent to public officials (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Public Officials, etc.”), whether in Japan or overseas. We will maintain fair and transparent relationships with our business partners and will not engage in any conduct that deviates from socially accepted norms with respect to gift-giving or business entertainment.

3.Response to Audits and Investigations

We shall cooperate fully with investigations by external auditors and internal audit departments, as well as investigations by the relevant authorities in each country and region, and fulfill our accountability for compliance with this Gakken Group Anti-Corruption Policy (hereinafter referred to as the “Policy”).

4.Establishment of System

To prevent corruption and to detect it at an early stage, we have established a compliance hotline for consultation and reporting of any conduct that violates or may violate the Policy. We have established provisions to ensure that whistleblowers are not disadvantaged and that confidential information is not divulged.

5.Education and Training to Prevent Corrupt Activities

We will ensure that executive officers and all employees (regular, contract, and temporary employees) are aware of the Policy through education and training and strive to prevent corrupt practices. We also ask our business partners and suppliers for their understanding and cooperation in this effort.

6.Disciplinary Action, etc.

We will deal with any executive officer or employee who violates anti-corruption laws and regulations, or company regulations regarding anti-corruption, including the Policy, in accordance with company regulations and strive to prevent recurrence of such violations.

Established March 2023
President and Representative Director
Hiroaki Miyahara