Gakken Group's Declaration of Health Management

In September 2020, Gakken Group unveiled its "Declaration of Health Management," signaling a deepened commitment to advancing and sustaining the well-being of each employee and their families. The role of spearheading health management efforts has been entrusted to the Representative Director of Gakken Holdings, who bears the ultimate responsibility for championing these initiatives. This proactive approach to health management is tailored to address the requirements of the "100-year life era."

Gakken Group has developed its business based on the Group Mission of "providing excitement, satisfaction, and peace of mind today, and dreams and hopes for tomorrow, in the hope that all people can live a fulfilling life.
We believe that the foundation and indispensable element of our business is that each and every employee who works under the Group's Mission should first "live in good health" and "live a fulfilling life."
We declare that the company, employees, and health insurance association will work together to actively promote health management so that our employees and their families can live healthy lives with peace of mind and vigor, both mentally and physically, by further developing the health maintenance and promotion activities we have been engaged in.
Through health management, we will contribute to the development of a sustainable society as a leading company in the fields of "education" and " healthcare and nursing " by enabling our employees to maximize their creativity and develop their respective businesses."


President and Representative Director, Gakken Holdings Co., Ltd. Hiroaki Miyahara

Acquired the 2023 Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations

In March 2023, eight Gakken Group companies were recognized as 2023 Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations.
Six companies, including Gakken Holdings, were certified as 2023 Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations (Large Enterprise Category), and two companies were certified as 2023 Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations (Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise Category). Of these, Bunri received a "Bright 500" rating.

System and Mechanisms

We have set up a health management promotion office, and the company and the health insurance association are working together to maintain and improve the health of our employees.

Health Management Strategy Map

Through the implementation of health management, we aim to increase the number of employees who are physically and mentally healthy and who work vigorously and with a sense of fulfillment in their work. We also aim to realize a flexible work style that makes the most of each individual's personality and strengths, thereby creating a workplace environment where diverse values can be transformed into organizational strengths and creativity can be demonstrated. By doing so, we hope to realize "well-being" and  achieve "sustainable enhancement of corporate value".

Major Health Management Initiatives

★Body Health

Implementation and Promotion of Various Health Checkups

We believe that health checkups are indispensable for maintaining employee health and preventing illness, and we proactively implement and promote various health checkups.
In addition to regular health checkups, the Gakken Health Insurance Union subsidizes the cost of health checkups for lifestyle-related diseases for those aged 35 and older, physical examinations, and women's health examinations.

Health Guidance and Specific Health Guidance

We provide health guidance to employees whose blood pressure, diabetes, lipid levels, etc. exceed a certain level in the results of regular health checkups. In addition, we are also working to prevent serious illnesses among employees by recommending that they receive medical examinations and confirming that they continue to receive outpatient treatment.
In addition, we are actively cooperating with the health insurance association to increase the implementation rate of specific health guidance for those aged 40 and over, and are working to prevent metabolic syndrome and improve the lifestyle of our employees.

Women's Health Measures

【Women's Health Examination】
We recommend the "Women's Health Examination (cost subsidized as part of the Gakken Health Insurance Program)," which is conducted for the early detection of cancers and diseases specific to women, and actively promote the examination as a system that can be taken during working hours. We are creating an environment that makes it easy for employees to undergo medical examinations.

【Seminar Implementation】
Aiming to create a workplace where female employees can stay healthy both mentally and physically, and an environment where those around them can understand this, we invited Dr. Mihyon Song of Marunouchi no Mori Ladies Clinic to hold a "Seminar to Improve Health Literacy for Working Women. The seminar was entitled "What Every Businessperson Needs to Know about Female Hormones and Menstruation! Female Hormone and Menstruation Tricks" and "Useful for Career Development! Tricks for Menopause for Men and Women" were the themes of the two seminars. A total of 400 people participated (including 40% men and 38% managers). The event provided an opportunity for participants to deepen their understanding of people in the workplace and to think about better ways of working.

Businesspersons should know about female hormones and menstruation! Female Hormones and Menstruation Tricks" (June 25, 2021)
Useful for Career Development! Tricks for Menopause" (September 16, 2021)

Countermeasures against Infectious Diseases


On November 28, 2022, Gakken Group conducted a mass vaccination against influenza at Gakken building as a measure to prevent infectious diseases. A total of 608 employees in Gakken building were inoculated under the auspices of the Health Management Promotion Secretariat.

Smoke-Free Measures

To prevent employees from passive smoking, Gakken implemented a complete smoking ban on the premises of Gakken building in 2018. Since then, we have been expanding the complete non-smoking policy within the building premises to all of our offices nationwide. (Cafeteria Plan), an employee benefit program introduced by some companies, includes cost subsidies for smoking cessation efforts, and the Gakken Health Insurance Association provides an online remote smoking cessation support program free of charge as part of its health services, with counselors providing one-on-one support while using an app and smoking cessation medication. The Gakken Health Insurance Association also offers a free online remote smoking cessation support program as part of its health care business, which provides one-on-one support from a counselor using an application and smoking cessation medication to help employees and their families quit smoking without difficulty.

Smoking rate: 17.8% in FY2019 13.1% in FY2022

(Data from 10 companies: Gakken Holdings, Gakken Juku Holdings, Gakken, Gakken Educational, Gakken Method, Gakken Products Support, Gakken Sta:Full, Arukikata, Gakken Logistics, and Gakken LEAP)


Physical health: Walking events.

We introduced a walking app and conducted two joint Gakken Group walking events with 2,760 participants in total. The events, held regardless of location or time, connected Gakken Group employees from all over Japan and encouraged friendly competition while mutual awareness, leading to exercising becoming a part of daily routines.
In addition, common topics could be discussed across departments and companies, which led to revitalized communication.

Exercise habit ratio: 20.8% in FY2019, 23.8% in FY2022

(Data from 10 companies: Gakken Holdings, Gakken Juku Holdings, Gakken, Gakken Educational, Gakken Method, Gakken Products Support, Gakken Sta:Full, Arukikata, Gakken Logistics, and Gakken LEAP)

【Let's Eat Vegetables Campaign】

The "Let's Eat Vegetables Campaign" was held from July 19 to July 31, 2022, with the aim of encouraging people to be more conscious of their vegetable intake on a daily basis.

Gakken Holdings endorses the "Eat Your Vegetables Project" implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF), and has registered as a "Vegetable Supporter"!

【Cancer Prevention Seminar】

In August 2022, a doctor specializing in endoscopic diagnosis and treatment of esophageal and gastric cancer gave an easy-to-understand lecture on how to protect oneself from "cancer" through a general discussion of "cancer. In August 2022, a doctor specializing in endoscopic diagnosis and treatment of esophageal and gastric cancer gave an easy-to-understand lecture on how to protect oneself from cancer through a general overview of cancer. In August 2023, we invited a doctor specializing in esophageal surgery to give a lecture on the importance of prevention and early detection of esophageal, gastric, and colorectal cancer.
The materials and videos used in the seminars are available not only to Gakken Group employees, but also to their families. As a result, the seminar has led to a change in employees' awareness. The results of a post-seminar survey conducted in August 2022 showed that 89% of the employees changed their minds about undergoing cancer screening and 86% changed their minds about improving their lifestyle.

Cancer: How to Protect Yourself from Cancer ~(August 26, 2022)
Dr. Toshiaki Hirasawa (Cancer Institute Hospital)

Gakken Holdings endorses the "Corporate Action for Cancer Control" promoted by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (MHLW), and participates as a promotion partner!

※Role of the "Corporate Action for Cancer Control
Foster social momentum to tackle cancer in a positive manner by promoting corporate cooperation to improve the cancer screening rate in the workplace. By taking the lead in promoting the importance of "cancer screening," companies are aiming for a screening rate of 50% or higher.

【Sleep Problem Solving E-Learning】

Under the supervision of Dr. Atsushi Osato, Gakken Group industrial physician, an E-Learning course on "Sleep" was created and distributed to all employees of Gakken Group. The E-Learning touched on the deterioration of work capacity caused by sleep deprivation, informing employees that after 18 hours of waking up, their work capacity is at the level of a drunk driver. We believe that it is essential for employees to be able to get a good night's sleep in order to maintain a healthy body and to work with vigor and vitality.

★Mental Health

Stress Check

Beginning in 2021, the New Occupational Stress Brief Questionnaire (shortened 80-item version) will be administered with included content to provide a more detailed look at environmental factors in the workplace.
The New Occupational Stress Questionnaire has increased the number of scales related to work burden and added items on (1) work resources (meaning of work, clarity of role, opportunities for growth, etc.), (2) departmental resources (work rewards, supervisor leadership, etc.), and (3) workplace resources (trust with management, fairness in personnel evaluation, respect for individuals, etc.), allowing analysis of three major aspects The new system also allows for analysis from three major perspectives.
In addition, the survey can also measure Iki-Iki Outcome (work engagement, sense of unity in the workplace), harassment in the workplace, and satisfaction, and will be used to improve the workplace environment based on a more multifaceted analysis.
Starting in 2022, debriefing sessions will be held for management and human resource directors of each company to promote understanding of the results, as well as workshops to come up with specific action plans.
Number of participating companies: 20 (40 offices); number of participants: 2,062; inspection rate: 87.1%.

Engagement survey

From the end of February to the beginning of March 2021, Gakken Group conducted an engagement survey of approximately 17,000 employees, and was able to obtain answers from more than 11,000 employees. (Response rate: 66.5%)
The purpose of the survey was fourfold: (1) creating a relationship of trust through dialogue with employees; (2) understanding the current status of employee awareness and identifying issues; (3) gaining a quantitative understanding based on numerical values rather than feelings; and (4) using appropriately for external communication.
As a result, we identified relationship with supervisors, one’s own work, and work environment where opinions are heard as the most important things that positively impact engagement. We see these as issues that must be addressed to improve interactive and two-way communication.

Formulation of Return-to-Work Support Program

A support program from leave of absence to reinstatement to work was formulated in consultation with industrial physicians. By establishing rules for the return to work process, it became possible to provide prompt and accurate support for the employee's return to work. By creating an environment that allows employees to smoothly return to work and continue their duties, they can now focus on their recuperation with peace of mind.

Communication Measures

Gakken Family Day is an annual summer event. The Family Day 2023 was held both in real and online. This was the first time in four years that the event was held in real life. In real life, we held "First English Conversation Experience! New Block Playland" and "Care Work Experience" were held in the real event, and in the online event, children took a quiz using simple English in a VR world. Both of these activities were unique to Gakken, and the children enjoyed participating in them.

Health Management Room Renovation and Full-time Public Health Nurse

An automatic blood pressure monitor has been installed in the Health Management Room.
An automatic blood pressure monitor has been installed in the Health Management Room.

The Health Management Room in the Gakken Building has been reopened as a new base for health management. In order to maintain the voluntary health management for our employees, we provide full-time hygiene guidance by health nurses to employees who need extra effort to maintain their health based on their health examination results.
n addition, industrial physicians and public health nurses work together with those who are concerned about their physical condition to further support the health aspects of employees, enabling them to consult with public health nurses without feeling alone.

★Workplace Environment

Curbing and Preventing Long Working Hours

In March 2022, Gakken Holdings and 16 other companies introduced the "OBIC7 Work Information System" for the purpose of improving the efficiency of attendance management operations and monitoring employee working hours. (Gakken Cocofump Group has already introduced the system.) The system has enabled the companies to respond flexibly to various working styles and complex work arrangements. In addition, the system has led to the control and prevention of long working hours by thoroughly enforcing overtime work measures, such as the establishment of no-overtime days and the prohibition of overtime work after 20:00 as a general rule, in addition to the awareness of the harmful effects of long working hours in the industrial physician's newsletter.

◆Average total monthly working hours: 161 hours in 2022
◆Number of employees working over 45 hours per month in 2022: 232
(Data from 10 companies: Gakken Holdings, Gakken Juku Holdings, Gakken, Gakken Educational, Gakken Method, Gakken Products Support, Gakken Sta:Full, Arukikata, Gakken Logistics, and Gakken LEAP)

Promotion of Paid Leave

According to the revision of the Labor Standards Law, starting in April 2019, employers are required to allow workers (including managers and supervisors) who are granted 10 or more days of annual paid leave per year to take 5 days per year out of the number of annual paid leave days by designating the time of year.
In addition to the mandatory use of five days of paid leave from April to October, some Gakkan Group companies have introduced planned annual leave to make it easier to adjust schedules through paid leave.
In addition, some Group companies have established "Birthday Leave" as a measure to promote the use of paid leave. This program encourages employees to take time off not only on their own birthdays, but also on the birthdays of family members, partners, and loved ones to spend time together. The leave can be taken within the month of the birthday, but not on the day of the birthday. Although it is treated as annual paid vacation, we propose to create an incentive for employees to take a vacation and to harmonize their work-life balance by providing birthday leave.

◆Paid vacation leave rate 2022: 59.6
(Data from 10 companies: Gakken Holdings, Gakken Juku Holdings, Gakken, Gakken Educational, Gakken Method, Gakken Products Support, Gakken Sta:Full, Arukikata, Gakken Logistics, and Gakken LEAP)

Promotion of working from home and remote work

Entrance to the 21st-floor shared office space
Entrance to the 21st-floor shared office space

With work style reforms and remote work in mind, we have promoted the standardization of laptops and introduced online meeting tools. In addition, by making and receiving internal and external calls using smartphones, employees can smoothly perform their work even remotely. In the headquarters, some floors have become shared offices with unassigned seating. Employees scan the QR code of their seat on their smartphone when they arrive, so everyone’s location each day can be found on employee computers or a large screen in the office.

Support for Employees to Balance Work and Home

Gakken Group is promoting the acquisition of the Kurumin logo and Eruboshi logo, certifications recognizing companies that support child-rearing and women’s advancement. Currently, seven companies have acquired the Kurumin logo, and one company has acquired the Eruboshi logo. Several more are working to acquire those certifications soon.
More male employees are also taking childcare leave, and we will continue to support the balance between work and childcare and nursing care.
In addition, we have established a Diversity Promotion Division at Gakken Holdings, and are implementing measures to enable all employees with diverse attributes and values to play an active role.

  • Data is from seven companies: Gakken Holdings, Co., Ltd., Gakken Educational Co., Ltd., Gakken Plus Co., Ltd., Gakken Medical Shujunsha Co., Ltd., Gakken Sta:Ful Co., Ltd., Gakken E-Mirai Co., Ltd., and Gakken Products Support Co., Ltd.

★Individual Learning and Knowledge Improvement

Health and Injury and Illness Awareness Activities

E-learning on the themes of "Health Management," "lifestyle-related diseases," and "self-health obligations" was conducted for all Group employees. The training provided an opportunity for employees to reflect on their own health by learning what health management is. It also helped employees to reaffirm the importance of the company's obligation to take safety into consideration and employees' obligation to take care of their own health in order to ensure safety and health in the workplace, and to raise their awareness of their own health management.

Participation rate in FY2022: 100% Target: Group employees

Expansion of Line Care Training

Line care training for managers has been conducted since 2021 with the goal of creating workplaces that do not produce employees with mental disorders as an organization. In 2022, the second year of the program, we selected "listening" as a key theme based on advice from industrial physicians. The target audience was broadened to include managers throughout the Gakken Group, and outside experts were invited as lecturers. 370 participants from 34 companies took part in the training under the theme of "Mental Health Management and Listening Training". We will continue to develop line care training as an ongoing issue.

Implementation of Business Core Skills Training

We have implemented "Core Skill Enhancement Training," an online, interactive training program to enable employees to learn portable skills necessary to cope with changes in the environment, such as VUCA and diversification of work styles. In the future, in addition to the conventional training by job level, we will implement full-scale training to enable employees to learn common generic skills regardless of job level. In addition, while establishing "recommended learning areas," we are planning service curriculam that allow employees to select learning content according to their individual characteristics, positions, and career visions. GRC training and DX training programs are part of this effort. In addition, we have started a program to provide financial assistance to those who wish to pursue MOT and MBA degrees.