Gakken Group aims to realize a sustainable society through our business. Toward this goal, we recognize that our business activities have a huge impact on the economy, environment and society. In 2019 we have identified our materiality. We listed important themes for the social trends and demands surrounding Gakken Group, and extracted important issues. Materiality was identified in the mapping of the importance for our company and our stakeholders. Experts Mariko Kawaguchi and Peter D. Pedersen gave us their opinions when identifying it.
Sustainable materiality( vertical axis)
Evaluated based on the level of interest of society and investors in each issue with the help of SDG Partners, Inc.
Financial materiality( horizontal axis)
Surveyed the Group's management on "The level of importance of increasing corporate value as of 2030" and employed the results as the horizontal axis rating.

Creating human capital who can play an active role in the world and taking on the challenge of new education |
Contributing to the elimination of regional and economic disparities in education and healthcare and nursing services |
Achieving wellbeing through lifelong growth |
Improving the value of human capital throughout the industry |
Building a sustainable supply chain |